Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Settling In!

On Sunday i moved into my own place. I'm now renting a wing of a house just across from where i've been staying. It's taken me this long to check out the safest place to stay other than expensive hotels that is. I had just about gotten used to be waited on hand and foot. Everyone seems to employ staff, my bed is made daily and food prepared and loads more. It's all a bit strange but i have now stopped saying "asante sana" upteen times for everything. It's just very different and takes some getting used to. It is the done thing to tip everyone at the end of the week.
My new house was built by the family in the '70s, it has three cows, a nice vegetable plot and even a pool, which i'm going to try out later, but mostly it is surrounded by dense forest. Security is everything, the denser the better i think.
I've had some interesting conversations about culture, race and tribalism. I met a white British woman who told me that there were three different types of whites in Kenya; the settlers, who have chosen to live in Kenya, make it there home and integrate; the colonials, who are still here and were sent to sort Kenya out and make it profitable for the British government and themselves, they still have attitude; the expats, the worst, who come to Kenya for a year or two and live in isolation frightened to death to mix, and live in gated communities giving nothing to the country. I don't know whether she is right or not but it's very interesting chewing all this stuff over. She herself was a settler who came out in the 80s to do wildlife conservation work after university.
Where i am staying there is a fairly mixed community. It's a smart, clean and well to do area, with wealthy Kenyans, Asians, Americans and some British, and just down the road is the Argentine Embassy.
But i always have to mention the amazing wildlife, i'm constantly suprized, though i have to say last night i was kept awake by the loudest toads and tree frogs on earth i would imagine, combined with a squawking Ibis - very annoying, I'm quite knackered this morning!
Roy's booked his flight to come out and see me in November - i'm so excited!!

1 comment:

viv payne said...

Hi Hun, Glad you have found a safe place to stay you must feel very vulnerable. You are certainly experiencing life in the raw out there by the sounds of it. Think of you often and all the valuable work you are doing, just take care and don't take any chances we are all missing you. So glad Roy is going over bet you can't wait.. carry on the good work, Big hugs Viv XX